Our Facilities

The first house built on Sunset Hill, (Highland Ave.) here in Terra Alta was this beautiful brick building. It was built in 1898 by Sylvester Rinard and was named Sunset Hall. Mr. Rinard was in the lumber business near Hopemont. Later, the Parley DeBerry family bought Sunset Hall, and in 1944 the Deets Parrack family became the new owners. That same year the grade school in town burned. The Board of Education approached the Parracks, insisting that Sunset Hall was the only building in Terra Alta that could house the students. School was held here for the next five years. After extensive remodeling, the Parracks moved back into their home in 1950.
In September 1966, John and Norma Whitehair bought the property making it their home and also moved their business, the Fike and Watson Funeral Home into it. It remained that way until 1986 when Arthur Wright bought the business and building and the name was changed to Arthur H. Wright Funeral Home. As the years go by we continually make tasteful changes, without distracting from the charm of this historic building.
In 2017, the Fields had many renovations done to the property, including adding two wheelchair accessible restrooms. New paint, carpet and furniture added a warm and inviting feeling to the funeral home. The building is completely handicap accessible and we have updated many things but it still retains its classic charm.

Arthur H. Wright Funeral Home - Established in 1985